**Dad's profile page in the works. I am bringing it back**
Married Phyllis Barringer (RHS); divorced 1982
Married Lorinda Davis 1997 - deceased 01/01/11
Married Darlene Polhemus June 2012 - divorced 2022
Engaged to Julie Guzman 01/15/2022
Moved from PC 1974 to Montgomery, AL (military brat). From Montgomery to Tallahassee, FL about 1979. From there to Bainbridge, GA 1984 and finally back to Tallahassee (for good) February 2011.
I was a senior supervisor with the Georgia Disability Adjudication Services in Thomasville GA. I have 15 staff members, 3 medical doctors, and 2 psychologists in my unit(s). We service (allow or deny) federal disability claims in Georgia for the Social Security Administration. Retired 03/01/2019.
I am now a Waiver Support Coordinator with the Columbus Organization in Tallahassee, Florida.